No, not those kind but ones like these.


love it when the kids get creative and work together. On this particular day I was doing a big clean up in the dinning room and the chairs had to go somewhere. The boys took them to the family room and made a tunnel maze for their sister to play on. We have been struggling with her lately and her need to climb. She will turn anything into a stool to get up on something. On this day she was happy to just climb on the chairs and I was happy to not have to say, "NO!".
Later when it was lunch time and we had no chairs there is only one thing to do, Picnic in a Cave! The kids all had a grand time eating under the table and they thought this was the funniest thing since normally they eat on top of the table.
So the only thing left to do was put up a tent in the livingroom for rest time. All the kids got in with pillows and blankets and watched a favorite movie. It all made for a fun and relaxing day and an at home "field trip" that cost nothing. Later we looked up information about how caves and tunnels are formed. This all made for a nice relaxing kind of fun homeschooling day!
What to know more about caves check out these websites:
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