Glaston Totes features handmade boutique handbags, quilts, baby items & gifts. This is a wonderful store with some beautiful bags. These have always been some of my favorite bags since this store became a part of the SHE team. They just look classy and well made.

Here is an introduction from Cynthia's profile along with a little history lesson. A true homeschooler.
"My name is Cynthia. I'm a stay at home mother, home school teacher to my 12 year old boy/ girl twins and a wife to a wonderful husband. We live in Northern California.I have sewn all of my life. My mother made most of my clothes growing up. She taught me to sew when I was young. I picked it up again several years ago when I made a diaper bag for a friend's baby shower gift. That bag was the hit of the party. Glaston Totes was born. I sell locally at a crafters' mall and at local arts/ crafts shows.The name "Glaston Totes" comes from one of our very favorite places in England, Glastonbury in Somerset. We have been fortunate enough to visit the area several times. Glastonbury Abbey is not only the site of the oldest Christian community in Britain -- the birthplace of "Ecclesia Anglicana" (the ancient Anglican Church) -- but of the first above-ground Christian church building in the world. Holy Tradition tells us of a young Jesus spending time at Glastonbury with great-uncle St. Joseph of Arimathea, member of the Sanhedrin, owner of the Holy Sepulchre and a wealthy tin miner/ trader who traveled there often. (Now far inland, old Glaston was a port city when the earth's sea levels were higher than is the case today.) St. Aristobulus, mentioned in the 16th chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, is believed to have served as the first bishop in the British Isles and was buried near Glastonbury Tor in 99 A.D. Known as England's "holyest earthe," the Abbey and monastery grounds were home to the medieval saints such as Patrick, Dunstan, Benedict, David and Bridget.Some hold that St. Joseph is said to have buried the Holy Grail near the grounds of the Abbey ruins, perhaps at the Chalice Well. Moreover, legend has it that it is the site of the Isle Avalon and Camelot, and that King Arthur and Queen Guinevere are buried there.
Today, the surrounding farmlands annually host one of the world's premiere music festivals.
Christians, the pagan mystics who currently dwell at Glastonbury, and those who just come looking for "something," agree that it's a special place from which emanates an unmistakable "energy."
Thanks again for visiting my profile. If you have any questions, please email me. I do accept custom orders and have lots of fabrics from which to choose."

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