I think I have been crafting since I was a small child. I was always around other families with children, and crafting was often a part of the large group activities.
2. What is your favorite thing to make?
I like to make anything that I am already involved in. I tend to get very wrapped up in projects once I start. It's the getting started part I don't like. I enjoy making clothes very much, because it is a very solitary project. My kids are too young to do most of it, and my husband does not want to. I am not a very solitary person, but it's nice having that one thing that is mine. I really like decorating cakes, making earrings, painting, and learning new crafts.

3. When did you begin designing clothing?
I think I began designing clothes at about the age of 12. At this point I had my own job, and a little spending money. My parents didn't make me save any of it, so I spent it on whatever. I would sometimes buy cheap clothes, then alter them to my "taste". Our family did not have a sewing machine so I found all kinds of weird things to do. Luckily it was the 80's. I bought t-shirts then cut holes in them, and put safety pins in different places. I did a little of my own jean jacket bleach jobs. I would also do a little of my own screen printing. Of course I had no idea what a screen print machine was, so I would use markers. OOOHH those were the days.

The first sample garment is the longest. I often toil with it in my mind for a few days to weeks. This is where I work out most of the kinks. I need to make sure that the item will fit in the desired way. So, I have to figure out where it will come in, and how it will drape. The best example of this is the "All Day Dress" This had some weird twists and cuts, along with a under layer of fabric. I manipulated this in my mind for weeks. Then I spent about 6 hours creating my pattern. The, All In One Dress that can also be worn as a skirt was in my mind for about a week or two. This is a very multifunctional item. I had to make sure that it would look natural as a skirt and as a dress. It took me about 2 hours of looking at blank white pattern paper before I even started drawing. My sister and I do all the modeling. This can make the prototype designing a little difficult because we have very different bodies. I use a few slopers, but most everything is done without a pattern. Oh yeah, then there's the process of finding the fabric. I am super, duper, duper picky about my fabric. Everything I use has to be shipped to me because, standard fabric stores don't have anything that I need. So this can take months to find the right fabric. Researching, ordering samples, ect, ect. It must be eco friendly, high quality, and very soft. If at all possible, made in the USA.

5. Where do you get inspiration?
I get inspiration from my own life, and movements. I have 3 kids, and I am very active. Therefore my favorite clothes need to bring me through many different activities. I like clothes that feel as comfortable as a old pair of sweats, yet don't make me look like I'm in an old pair of sweats. I also am in love with yoga, triathlons, hiking, climbing, and the future of my kids environment. All of which have a huge impact on my designs and styles.
6. Do you do any other crafting?
I am blessed with ADD, so I have to be doing many different things all at the same time to keep me grounded. That includes every craft I think I can master. Except cross stitching and football. I don't get either one of those. I have tried, boy have I tried.
7. What are you reading right now?
My uncle wrote a book called "The Last Templar" By Thaddeus Jean. It's about a Christian comic book type character. It is a very good book. However it has some interesting views. I recommend everyone to read it. But please understand it is not necessarily my views.
8. How long have you homeschooled and what method do you use?
I have been homeschooling for 3 years. I use Calvert. I started with them as a newbie, because they made it so easy and I was a little scared. I have been so happy with their thoroughness, I still use them. I think with a mixture of my ADD, and Calvert's more scheduled way of doing things, we come to a perfect middle. I tend to manipulate it the way I see fit. For example Calvert uses text for learning to read a clock. It was boring, so I got a JUDY clock instead. It is my goal that all three of my girls go to college. So I think I am comforted by being told what they need to learn and when. However using my own creative juices, whenever they boil up.

9.What have you found most surprising about Etsy?
The most surprising thing about Etsy to me, is the friendships and connections beyond business. The SHE team in particular. I have moved all over the country side, but have never met so many women that I have so much in common with. Homeschool mothers are a breed of their own to begin with. But to also have homeschooling, independent friends that are trying to have their own personal successes and family incomes is more than I could have ever dreamed.
10. Are you addicted to anything right now?
After the kids go to bed, I am addicted and CRAVE anything sweet. I don't know what I am going to do. I also drink a lot of coffee. Which is weird because, before I moved to Washington 9 months ago, I never drank coffee.
11. What is the most interesting thing about you?
My life is full of contradictions, but it suites me well. I don't think anyone in high school would have thought I would grow up and drive a mini van, and LIKE it.
Thank you to Lizzie from A Dusty Frame for providing this great interview.
this was really good! nice to get to know her better!
Great interview and pictures!
Cute picutes:)!
Well Done!
I love getting to know everyone in the group this way. I follow Enuwbe on twitter. Now I have a sense of who she is and what she is interested in. Thanks so much.
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