Tell us a little about yourself.
From childhood, I’ve always loved needle crafts and have tried my hand at just about every type that involved a needle and colorful thread or yarn. The process of making useful handmade items that are both pretty and practical is enjoyable and satisfying to me. I'm a quilter, a knitter, and more recently, a soap maker. Over the years I have made numerous quilts, afghans, patchwork bags and pouches, often as gifts for family and friends. Even while homeschooling my four children, I always made time to work on projects. Now that three have graduated from our homeschool and are taking college classes, I have much more time for artistic pursuits. My dear husband has always been supportive of my hobbies and when the opportunity came for me to turn my hobbies into a business, he encouraged me to take that next step.

How did you begin working in your craft and how did it develop into a business?
A couple years ago, a friend of mine who also knits asked me if I might like to share a booth with her at a local arts market since our products complement each other. Her suggestion that I start selling my craft opened up a whole new opportunity for me to learn about what is involved in running a small business. She also told me about Etsy, and soon after I opened my online shop, EweniqueEssentials. I also have two facebook pages, EweniqueEssentials and EwesSoap, which is specifically for my handcrafted artisan soaps.

What is one of your favorite homeschool memories thus far?
I have been a homeschool mom for 20 years. My youngest child will be starting high school courses next year, so we still have several more years of schooling at home. Homeschooling has been such a blessing to our family! From the start, my husband and I determined that we would keep our four children home and teach them. For our family, homeschooling has been an incredible experience. Academic success is not the end goal, but is rather the tool that we use to disciple our children, to bring them up in the Lord, training them for righteousness for their good and His glory. What a joy it is to reap the blessings of a close relationship with our children, to see God’s gracious work in our lives!

What advise would you give to other homeschool families who are also trying to run a home business?
I would encourage other homeschool families to always remember just why they decided to homeschool in the first place. For my husband and me, it was the right thing to do as we sought to please our Savior. For me it was my God-given responsibility, my calling of primary importance after loving and serving my husband. That vision kept things in perspective when some days didn’t go so well with the children, when I was discouraged, or felt inadequate to the task of teaching my children algebra or grammar. Trusting in God’s Word and clinging to His promises brought me great hope and joy in the journey of homeschooling and helped me keep my priorities right.

Where do you find inspiration for your pieces?
Over the years, I have discovered that I enjoy making things that are both useful and beautiful. That is why making the small quilted or knitted projects found in my shop appeal to me. Making artisan soap is another outlet for me to craft something that is practical and a delight to the senses.

Do you have specific goals for your business or for your homeschooling? Would you share some of those with us?
Having a small business was never a dream of mine – successfully discipling my children by homeschooling was always top priority. Now that more of my time and the opportunity to sell my craft are available, I want to do my best to learn new skills that are involved in running a business. I hope to use this opportunity to serve others by making useful products for them. Any profit that my business may make, I plan to turn into charitable giving to help those in my church who are in need during these difficult economic times.

I, like you, have enjoyed meeting the woman behind Ewenique Essentials. Please, take the time to stop by Debbie's shop and have a look around and if you have an extra minute, leave a comment for her here on the blog.
Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing your heart on the wonderful blessing of homeschooling.
Wonderful interview. Her soaps are great, I have gotten them on Artfire. Didn't even realize she was a homeschooler too. LOL I have admired her lovely work in her shop.
Beautiful family!
Christie (luvncrafts)
What a beautiful family whose purpose in life is to serve and glorify God in all that they do. They are an inspiration and a wonderful example for living. An encouragement to a less than perfect mom.
What a wonderful interview of a fascinating artist! Thanks for sharing.
Lovely to meet you Debbie, we have so much in common!
Your shop is lovely, I especially like your soaps and dishcloths :)
It was so nice to learn more about you, Debbie!
Wonderful blog - Debbie has been an inspiration to me in the past in the areas of homeschooling and as an example of living a life that places God first. I am so happy that she is able to use her creative talent to share the wonderful things that she makes. I have had the pleasure to use both her soap and some of her sewing items. Aloha to you and my Big Sister Debbie!
I am thrilled to be featured in this blog! Thank you Sonja for the write up and to those who stopped by to read and comment.
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