Q:How long have you been crafting?
A:I have loved art since I was a child and have been crafting my whole life. I got into stamping and paper crafts 5 years ago.

Q:Do you remember any craft successes or disasters from childhood?
A:I won a poster contest in the 5th grade.
Q:When did you decide to sell your handmade items on Etsy and why?
A:My husband created a website to sell my items from in 2006 but when I discovered Etsy in March 2007 I started selling my items there instead hoping to get more exposure. I decided to sell my handmade items because I would rather them be with someone that can use them and it would be nice to make some extra money too.
Q:How long have you been homeschooling?
A:Since my daughter was in pre-k. She is in 7th grade now. I was also homeschooled for high school

Q:How many children do you homeschool?
A:1 my 12 year old daughter
Q:What methods/curriculum do you use?
A:I have always used Calvert with my daughter which is a pre-packaged classical curriculum.
Q:What do you find difficult about homeschooling and running a home business?
A:Having enough time to make things since school comes first.

Q:What do you find rewarding about homeschooling and running a home business?
A:Being home with my daughter and getting to spend all this time with her.
Q:Do you have your own workspace?
Q:Do you sell your handmade goods at other venues, ie craft shows, local shops, other Internet sites?

Q:Where else can we find you, ie blog, facebook, twitter, myspace, other handcraft websites?
A: My blog http://terrbear38.blogspot.com/
Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/Terrbear38
Facebook Fanpage http://www.facebook.com/Terrbear37
Interview by Sonja
Nice to read about you Terri, your papercrafts are really cute and unique.
Hi Terri. It's nice to get to know you better.
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