Section 1 Tell Us About Your CraftingQ. How long have you been crafting? A. Just shy of 30 years now.
Q. Do you have childhood memories of a crafting success or failure?A. My mom taught me to make granny squares when I was five. I remember making those! After mom taught me the basic stitches I took off and taught myself.
Q. Do you have your own workspace? A. Yes and no :) I have a place in our living room that my grandparents created for me -- some shelves and baskets. But
my crochet moves with me all over the place really!
Q. What inspires you to create new pieces? A.Sometimes I have "creative surges" and all sorts of ideas just sort of come to me and then other times I see all the possibilities in the Crochet magazines and online and such and that will set me off on some more ideas! I have a whole stack of old patterns and magazines that I go through once in awhile and see what there is to make...or remake. I have just recently started trying to create my own patterns.
Section 2 Tell Us About Your Homeschooling LifeQ. Are you currently home schooling?
A.YesQ. What challenges do you face when combining home schooling and home
business? A. Well, sometimes I find it hard to spend the time online promoting my business as much as it needs so my shop sales fluctuate quite a bit.
Q. What advantage do you think you have by combining homeschooling and
home business? A. As my kids have gotten older, it is easier to crochet in between other things and in the evenings when everyone has gone off to bed.
Q.Do you have a favorite curriculum or style of teaching?A. We have used mostly ABEKA but in the past few years have started "picking and choosing" some other things as well. My high school son is enjoying WordSmith for grammar this year and we have been using Apologia science for a couple years now and love it.
Section 3 Tell Us More About YourselfQ. What is your education background? A.I am a homeschool graduate :) and have schooled my own children for 12 the school of re-runs?!?! :)
Q. Did you do other work before you began selling your handmade arts
or crafts? A. I am a wife and stay-at-home mom of 5, we home school and I am nanny for my nephew 3x a week.
Q. Why did you choose to start your home business? 
A.I have had different little shops here and there where I was able to sell some of my handmade items but when we moved I found out about
Etsy and it sounded like a great opportunity so, I gave it a try and I LOVE it! :)
Q. Do you have a favorite Quote or Verse? A. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 3:6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."
Q. Are you currently reading a book? A.Yes....well, at least 3 or 4 actually - HA! One that I'm reading....just for The Red River of the North Series by Lauraine Snelling.
For more about Angela and her crafting visit
Yarnstuff or follow Angela's work on
Facebook and
Agela is offering our readers a 20% discount on all items in her
Etsy shop. Use Coupon Code: FBCSpecial
Thank you Angela for taking the time to share a little peak into your life.