Newborn Photo Prop - by Organic Mama
This reminds me of our night time ritual when the children were younger. After all the kiddos kissed "Mommy" goodnight, one by one, "Daddy" would hoist them over his shoulder and carry them off to bed and tucked them in. They would giggle all the way down the hall way. I admired his strength and the strength of the bond between him and each of our children

Goats Milk Shaving Soap - Country Soaps By Marlen
Often my husband leaves for work before the children get up. I get to sneak in a few hugs before he heads out the door. His freshly shaven face smells so delicious.

Sweet and Simple Antique Brass Hoop Earrings - Purple Design Studio
The simplicity of these earrings reminds me of my husband as a provider. In our early years money was extremely tight. Then things began to look up and we decided to homeschool our children. That meant cutting back to one income. Our life is a simple one, but he does what he can to provide for us and splurge a little on me from time to time.

Cotton Sampler Lap Quilt - Hamncheezr
This one reminds me of Friday Family night. Most of the time our kiddos want to rent a movie and pop popcorn. We all snuggle under handmade quilts and blankets while we watch and talk.

1971-1973 Chevy Camaro Hubcap - 8 Mile Creek Design
This last gift reminds me that in all the busy"ness" of life, I need to stop more than just once a year to say, "I love you!", to the people who matter most.
Posted by VeryVerdant
What a beautiful post, I love it!
I love how you tie these great items into precious memories.
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